Dear friends,

In light of the massacres that have been plaguing the Earth especially since the invention of machines of mass destruction, and in particular in this last century, and in light of the fact that they show no sign of letting up, and have proven to be beyond our ability or will to control, I have written a prayer to God the Father asking for his direct intervention.  We have assurances that if as few as two true believers perform this prayer reverently in public, the request will be granted (see Matthew 18:19 and my discussion on the power of prayer).  The request will also be granted if 1/6 of the world's population is made aware of the full contents of the prayer.  I am asking you to help spread the word. You may copy the prayer, translate it, publish it, email it to your friends, put links to it on your web pages, shout it from rooftops, chant it in holy places, or pray it quietly in your room. Pray it alone or with friends; once only, or as often as you please.

I have cast the prayer as a Christian prayer, but Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindu's, Mormon's and others are welcome to pray it. Please see my discussion on the Christian Message and Who The Christians Are.

The prayer requires that we believe in God's miracles, as evidenced especially by the works of Moses and Christ, but also by the prophets, apostles and saints. Our hope for salvation from anarchic terrorism and secular tyranny lies only with the divine intervention of the Lord. Let us pray for his mercy and assistance.

Follow this link to the prayer. Go in peace.

Angelo Amberson